
Welcome to Privilege online claims

This form is for new claims only. If you have already logged a claim with us and want an update, please call. 

Please be aware that damage to hedges, gates and fences caused by a storm is not covered by your policy.

Providing as much information as possible and an estimate will help us process your claim. If you already have an estimate, please upload it with your submission. If you are still waiting for it, you can submit it to us once received.

If your property is not secure or you do not have access to the following, please call us:

  • Kitchen facilities
  • Toilet/bathroom facilities
  • Somewhere to sleep
  • Heating or hot water

0345 246 8534 Monday to Friday (8am - 8pm) or on Saturdays (9am - 5pm).

0345 301 6243 at any other time outside our usual hours. 

When recording your claim, please ensure the details entered relate to the main policyholder and the insured home. 



Policyholder Address

(**) at least one required, (*) required
