

Before you start...

This form can only be used to register a Property claim by the Policyholder’s Broker. If you are looking to report a Casualty, Management Liability or Legal Expenses claim or you are the Policyholder please go to https://www.c-quence.co.uk/claims and select the appropriate option.

Once you have filled in some details you'll be asked to tell us what happened - if you have photo or video evidence handy, this will help us start processing your claim.

When you have submitted the claim our experienced claims handlers will review the details to see what needs to happen next and you should expect to hear from us within 2 working days.

In order to complete the online registration we will need the following details:

  • C-Quence Policy Number
  • Contact Details
  • Cause of Loss
  • Incident Details (including what happened, when and where the incident took place)
  • Details of the Damage

Due to the nature of some claims we can only register the following types of claims online:

  • Escape of Water 
  • Accidental Damage 
  • Impact 
  • Theft 
  • Malicious Persons 
  • Fire 
  • Storm 
  • Boiler Breakdown 

If the claim type is not on the above list then please phone us on 0345 300 4648 from Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm (excluding bank holidays) to register the claim.

Broker details

Policyholder details

Risk Address

(*) required
